
Woah, this has more genres flying through this track than the entirety of most festival lineups. We Are: The Guard haven’t heard of LUM before this moment right here (right now) either but we’re not about to let that stop with just one track. This is the exact kind of producer we love. One who’s inventive and takes more risks in one song than most artists do in their entire careers.



Kissing starts off with a groovy indie dance track reminiscent of Miike Snow via the Bee-Gees before dropping into the funkiest moombah drop since Nadastrom invented the genre. Then it mellows out for a second half that truly shows this songs range, even daring to dip into weird vocal monologues and even tropical vibes right at the last minute. This song is going to be stuck in my head for the next six months. AIN'T COMPLAINING.

For more Lum check out his ethereal originals mix on his Soundcloud. It’s even stranger. HOLLER.


About Kurt Kroeber

From deep within the murky depths of the Los Angeles River emerged a creature: 50% raver, 50% comedian, 10% Robotcop. Kurt Kroeber doesn’t own a dog, operates Soundbleed (the world’s only dance party comedy talk show rave), and is down to party with you. Come up some time and say “Hey dude!” But definitely make sure to casually drop the secret Illuminati password.