Without a doubt, the best part of our jobs is discovering artists so fresh, so new, so talented that we literally can’t wait one second longer to hop on our computers and write words that will make you listen. IT'S LIKE, IT'S ALL WE LIVE FOR. WE JUST WANT TO SHARE THE MAGIC WE FIND WITH YOU! And while we might share neo-soul troubadours like AUGUST 08 on the reg it’s only because that’s what the scene dictates. Every day we turn around and find some new super fascinating talent with a song so good, or an EP so transcendent that we’d be fools to not pass it along. And that’s exactly the case here. “Father Issues,” the might-as-well-be self-titled track of AUGUST 08’s 8 song EP Father, is so deeply, heart-wrenchingly gorgeous that not sharing it would a be a crime against humanity on par with playing Cards Against Humanity with people you don’t like. Seriously, that is an experience I do not recommend just as much as I do recommend listening to this song.
The Father EP is singer/songwriter/producer August Grant’s attempt to come to terms and reach out to his father who abandoned him and his mother at age 11. What could possibly encapsulate that more than this track, “Father Issues”? This is like the whole story of this boy's life laid in out in front of us. Are you feeling it? I’m feeling it? Got a tear forming at the corner of my eye. That or it’s just dusty in here. SHUT UP, YOU’RE FEELING IT TOO. With its bumping drum-line that belongs on a techno tune but doesn’t feel out of place anchoring an R&B track either, emotional storytelling and the swooning croon of a man whose soul must be escaping bit by bit with every sentence sung. “Father Issues” follows up the EP’s first single, “Funeral,” but it’s the raw emotionality on display here that give us the kind of honesty we thrive for in our music. This is what it’s all about. Give it a listen, become a superfan and then make sure to go back and explore the whole catalogue.
The full EP is available at streaming services everywhere as of May 11th. AUGUST 08 has been recently signed by Red Bull Music and 88 Rising. If you like what you hear, and I know you do because you’re still reading then make sure to check AUGUST 08’s performance at the Head in the Clouds Festival at LA Historic Park in September. We’ll be there!
From deep within the murky depths of the Los Angeles River emerged a creature: 50% raver, 50% comedian, 10% Robotcop. Kurt Kroeber doesn’t own a dog, operates Soundbleed (the world’s only dance party comedy talk show rave), and is down to party with you. Come up some time and say “Hey dude!” But definitely make sure to casually drop the secret Illuminati password.