
When I first heard the phrase “emo-rap” I distinctly remember thinking “No, not for me.” BUT I WAS BEING A FOOL. WHY? YOU LOVE EMO AND YOU LOVE BACKPACK RAP— stop being a coward and give new things a chance.

If you, like I (ashamed or unashamed), loved the Emo I movement of 1997-2002 (and probably the Emo II movement with Modern Baseball et al.) and have an affinity for the chill ass hip-hop production of dudes like Ryan Hemsworth and Shlohmo, then you’re going to be head over heels for Lil Peep. Or not. I don’t know you. But hey, even if you like one (or none) of those things, give Peep a chance.



youtube "Save That Shit" is terminally chill, like so chill it would make Mr. Freeze stop in his tracks and re-evaluate his life. This is obviously credit where credit's due (thanks, Soundcloud) to smokeasac and IVIVIVI. But the real talent on display here is the disruption in hip-hop that is Lil Peep’s muted alt-rock emojified sing-rapping voice. His slow drawl and honest poetry about his life and the way he lives it is going to lead the way for a whole new kind of hip-hop. The kind for little white boys who have the word Crybaby tattooed across their face, but still! Rap music is for everyone! Some say he’s not rap. Some call him the next Drake. All I gotta say is as far as I’m concerned he’s got a whole hell of a lot more going for him than Lil Yachty.

From deep within the murky depths of the Los Angeles River emerged a creature: 50% raver, 50% comedian, 10% Robotcop. Kurt Kroeber doesn’t own a dog, operates Soundbleed (the world’s only dance party comedy talk show rave), and is down to party with you. Come up some time and say “Hey dude!” But definitely make sure to casually drop the secret Illuminati password.