Best of Weekly Pop / Indie Pop (Week 39) 2012
Did you see Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day freak out at iHeartRadio Festival the other day, after he found out their set was being cut short for Usher? “I'm not Justin fucking Bieber!” YEH! GO BILLIE JOE! Stick it to those pop PUSSIES! That is what we do here at LA Music Blog, BitCandy. We flip a big ol' bird to all the teeny-boppers ruling your Hot 100 and instead bring you real, solid POPKILLER! So check out our favorite pop songs from the past seven days by scrolling below! -Smashes guitar!-
No Doubt "Push And Shove"
NEW NO DOUBT, Y'ALL! Here is the Diplo-produced title-track from the band's latest album, Push and Shove. Reunited and it feels so gooooood. Call me Gwen!
Deadmau5 ft Imogen Heap “Telemiscommunications”
Just leaked! This chillaxing new tune from Deadmau5's forthcoming record, Album Title Goes Here (no, seriously, it really is called that). It features Imogen freekin' Heap on vocals!
Churchill "Change"
Okay so, this single from Colorado quintet, Churchill, dropped last year, but we still super love it. Seriously, why is this song not HUGE already?! Awesome video, too!
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Kreayshawn "The Ruler"
Haterz gonna hatez, but we like this song from Kreayshawn's new album, Somethin' 'Bout Kreay (though, we admit, listening to it does make us feel a little dirty). Production by Boys Noize!
Of Monsters and Men - Mountain Sound
The are "Of Monsters And Men ... who get Radio Ads this week on U.S. radio." Who would have ever thought the lead singer of this band looked like a fatty hobbit. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Santigold "Look At These Hoes"
Here is one of the fiercer cuts from Santigold's Master of My Make-Believe. Gurl does some serious tongue-flexing! “Tear it up! I'm So damn gold!” Production by Boys Noize and Diplo...AGAIN!
J. Cole “I’m A Fool”
J. Cole flows over Cee-Lo's "Fool for You” in this shit hot new jam, which he premièred by emailing direct to a fan. Amazing
Pink ft .fun “The Truth About Love”
Pink's back, yo! Her new album, The Truth About Love, is getting some tight press right now. We dig this title-track featuring .fun front man, Nate Ruess. She sounds like a pop-punk cheerleader... and that's an awesome thing!
Dada Life “Feed The Dada”
Closing this week's PopKiller will the latest brutal banger from Sweden's Dada Life, as lifted from The Rules of Dada. Get a load of this weird ass video!
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Walk The Moon - Tightrope
Another pseudo indie meets major label alternative pop song you might here on your radio...or even better at BitCandy's Radio (just click Online Radio in the menu!).
Miguel - Adorn
Holy shit the 90s back in full force and it's kinda great. Remembe D'Angelo and 90s Usher. Digging Miguel here...especially the little "kwaaahhh" shouts. I'm totally doing that all day today.
Green Day - "Let Yourself Go"
And to wrap things up let's give Billy Joe Armstrong more that ONE FUCKING MINUTE!!
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