Best Pop That Doesn't Suck - Week 47 2012


Gobble, gobble, Oh I can smell the turkey. Looking back at this year's Best of Pop, there is a lot for which we should be thankful. We’ve been reminded time after time that no matter how cool you look puking on stage (Justin Bieber) or how short you cut your hair to try to make a point that you actually are as stupid as you look (Miley Cyrus), they will never, I repeat NEVER be featured on LA Music Blog best of PopKiller, unless A) hell freezes over ...or B) we find a reason to tear them to shreds.

With that being said, let’s get started on the latest in pop that doesn’t suck!


Ke$ha - "Die Young" (Deconstructed)

Excuse me? Is this for real? I thought it was a joke but perhaps Ke$ha had an epiphany and realized going back to a cleaner image isn’t so bad. Not that I care, but it is an improvement to her last dump.


Nicki Minaj - Freedom (Lyric Video)

All you Barbz roll an L cuz this song is crazy! This somber side of the queen of rap is quite appealing. What’s going on? Do I sense some sort of trend going on? First Ke$ha, now Nicki?


Ke$ha - C’Mon (Audio)

My new favoritist anthem. I want to stay up all night and drink warm Budweiser...WTF! Just kidding. Disregard any nice comments I said about Ke$ha. No amount of scrubbing will ever get the dirt off of her.


Decoded: Miguel "The P Is Mine"

Miguel breaks down and gets real. Don’t feel bad for him. He seems to be doing just fine. How many bros out there can turn a sloppy second vagina experience and turn it into a hit track?


twenty | one | pilots: Holding On To You [OFFICIAL VIDEO]

We’ve been keeping you posted on these guys. I was going to be a cock tease and only show you the teaser video, but I don’t roll that way. The latest single will be part of their 2013 album: Vessel. Many great things to come, we hope!


Ed Sheeran - Give Me Love [Live]

If this LIVE video is any indication of what to expect at an Ed Sheeran concert, then I want my money back. Yes, I think he’s talented, but I can’t picture myself rubbing elbows with teeny boppers. eeeww.


Diamonds Remix f/ Kanye West

ha! Classic example of what it means to slap some lipstick on a pig. A big fat lazy fail. Quickly moving on.


Zola Jesus - Diamonds (Rihanna Cover)

On the other hand, if you take away Riri’s voice, add Zola’s hauntig voice, mix in some some beats, you get a song worthy of being recognized as Best of Pop.


Angel Haze - Gimme That (prod. by Lunice)

Other music charts would probably categorize this under hip-hop. Screw that! This is what pop radio should be all about. Forget Nicki Minaj. Angel Haze cray cray! Fav part is right at :37.


Janet Jackson – If (Kaytranada Remix)

Oh snaps! Wrapping up this week’s post, we’re throwing a mix of a Jackson classic. Thanks Kaytranada for keeping things so fresh and so real. Very well done!


Thanks for stopping by and checking out the best of this week's PopKiller. Next time you hear from me I’ll be comfortably wearing an extra 10lbs of fat and sweating gravy.  Don’t forget to love us, hate us, and thank us!


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