Classic: Arcade Fire - In the Backseat
Stop what you are doing and take a few minutes to unwind to this breathtaking song, which brings to a close Arcade Fire's 2004 debut (and arguable opus), Funeral.
The divine Régine Chassagne holds the mic in this heartbreaking elegy, which was inspired by the death of her mother. It evokes all kinds of emotion, from longing, to love, to loss...
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And now watch this beautiful live performance, filmed in Amsterdam in 2005. Must...not...cry! Blub.
Finally, if you have not already picked up Funeral, where ya been bro?! It is one of the GREATEST indie albums of the 21st century (and that is hot coming from us!). So go LISTEN!
I like the peace
In the backseat
I don't have to drive
I don't have to speak
I can watch the countryside
And I can fall asleep
My family tree's
Losing all it's leaves
Crashing towards the driver's seat
The lightning bolt made enough heat
To melt the street beneath your feet
Alice died
In the night
I've been learning to drive
My whole life
I've been learning
I like the peace
In the backseat
I don't have to drive
I don't have to speak
I can watch the countryside
Alice died
In the night
I've been learning to drive
My whole life
I've been learning how
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