The Best Video Album Review...Ever?
99.99% of album reviews are SO BORING (aside from BitCandy's, of course)! I mean, hey bro, I dig all of your enormously irrelevant adjectives and shit...but truth is...I just wanna know if the album STINKS OR NOT!?
This goes for most YouTube album reviews, too. Dude, I'mma let you finish this 20-minute dissection of post-krautrock that you filmed in your parents' bedroom on your crappy little webcam...but I got shit to do.
Still, all hope is not lost.
Meet MrBiggestdisneyfan (best username, EVER?) - a man who has single-handedly SAVED the medium of YouTube album reviews in 12 minutes flat.
We URGE you to watch his review of Ryan Adams' Cold Roses...
...sorry...we have a cough drop in our mouths...we are just...trying to keep that in there...
...and so does Ryan Adams:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Best Review I Ever Got. Honored.<a href="" title="">…</a></p>— Ryan Adams (@TheRyanAdams) <a href="" data-datetime="2012-11-30T02:31:39+00:00">November 30, 2012</a></blockquote>
<script src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
When he puts his glasses on at 0.50, YOU KNOW MrBiggestdisneyfan MEANS BUSINESS! I think we're going to try to hire him.
Jokes aside, this guy is genuinely charming, earnest and passionate. Plus, he kinda actually did the impossible: SOLD US A RYAN ADAMS ALBUM!
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