
I have to wonder if Nuts6000 is vaccinated. Absolutely cracking myself up laughing hysterical at the mere concept of this masked squirrel / man (mask DOESN’T come off) pacing around his 400 square foot apartment while the world around him starts returning to normal. The pacing only intensifies as he works in front of his computer trying to craft the next big room banger for a world he can’t even take part in yet. These are big room tunes made in hella small apartments. In a time where the rest of the world is starting to resettle into a once was, people carousing in bars, arms strewn around strangers, sharing spit and stories. The conversation flows and birds are chirping and after a whole year trapped inside people are learning how to be social again.

And yet there’s something off… People nod their head to DJs playing familiar music, but start to subconsciously yawn after hearing that same Diplo song for the 40,000th time. Did the whole world pause from March 2020 to March 2021? Where’s the hot new tunes? Nothing? No, no, can’t be. Someone had to be making tracks for the parties of the future. Someone had to be making tracks that were big and fun and brash and carefree and felt infectious even though you’ve never actually heard them before (wait have you really? Go and shazam it, you’ll see this is new…).

Someone had to be making the songs to help you and me and everyone you know get their groove back.

Truth is, people just want to dance. We need you Nuts6000. Get that vaccine.  Get out of your apartment and share your bangers with this all new roaring twenties bout to begin. Let’s party.



With only two songs to the repertoire, we don’t entirely know what to expect of Nuts6000 going forward. What we have received are two full on EDM bangers, so there’s that for you. This one is different from the last. For more on Nuts6000, check our coverage of his first massive track, “Fat Ass.”  Both are club ready. Festival guaranteed. Headbanger party starters. On “Penelope Cruz,” Nuts6000 draws out some heavy drums and a catchy horn line through a sub two minute instrumental track. Maybe this is a transition in a DJ set. Maybe this is looped with the vocals from a well-known pop tune. I don’t know, I’m not telling you how to DJ your summer parties. And you will be DJing parties this summer. What I am saying is that this would be a welcome addition to any set or bar or playlist. Will be a speaker rattler. Will get booties shaking. Will help people get their groove back. And after this year, that’s all that matters.

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From deep within the murky depths of the Los Angeles River emerged a creature: 50% raver, 50% comedian, 10% Robotcop. Kurt Kroeber doesn’t own a dog, operates Soundbleed (the world’s only dance party comedy talk show rave), and is down to party with you. Come up some time and say “Hey dude!” But definitely make sure to casually drop the secret Illuminati password.