New Artist: Parade of Lights


File this one right under our section for New Artists and Indie Pop, today's featured Los Angeles trio, Parade of Lights is striking up ample water cooler conversation amongst tasty-taste-makers in the area and then some. While the first song I heard, may have sounded friendly and jovial. Those are no kids making that music.

We're the kids now is fun. It's Summer! It's LA, and you know it's official becuase Hollywood Bowl started throwing shindings, bamm chickka ooww oww. They've got more sultry southern California electronic love exploding from them than I can actually handle at some points, especially when that sax throws down around the 1:55 mark:

They can have that twinge of darkness though...That Robert Smith-esque infused groove. This. Immediate need for a swoop haircut, leather jacket and a boombox to hold above my head, is the need this song was meant to satiate...The goth kids of South Park are freakin' pumped!

South Park goth kids